Posts in Wirepony
Atlantic Man

Wirepony - Atlantic Man (2006)

I've never seen this footage until last month when Stacie Huckeba, came to photograph the sessions in Nashville for the new solo album and brought this with her. In 2006 my dear friend Matty Lynott (of Truckee Brothers & White Buffalo) and I loaded up an amp and some drums and headed down to our local, The Whistlestop in San Diego, to try out some of the tunes that were about to be released as Wirepony's 'Home On The Strange'. I'd recorded that record with members of John Doe's band at the time, but the thought was that maybe Matt and I would tour the record together instead. Well that idea didn't end up happening so I went out on my own for some road dates instead and came back to start building the Wirepony band with Otis B. Amazingly though this one-off spontaneous two-man action was actually filmed and promptly forgotten, until now. 

It's great seeing Matty & I playing this together back then. I remember it as a fun night just throwing tunes into the air unrehearsed and off the cuff, with a few close friends and bar regulars in the room. This approach is sort of how I've always liked making music with him which i'm glad to say we did all again on this new record out in Nashville, working off the cuff and keeping first takes with the Cosmic Thug boys. In fact, there's a first day, first take, unrehearsed track going on the new album. I can't wait to share that with you too.